Client Care

Facts & Questions

Do you accept credit cards?
Yes, we do! Payments can be made online with a credit card.
Are payments required up front?
Generally, half of the payment is required prior to the event, and the balance upon completion of the event.
What areas do you serve?
We mainly serve Long Island and NYC. However, we offer services outside these areas as well. Call us!
What is the average cost of a party or event?
Prices can vary from one event to the next depending on size, location, and desired options. However…whatever the amount, your quoted fee is the only cost you will incur, covering everything you need for your event from flowers, to balloons, to venue. We are always very transparent.
How early do I need to start planning the event?
Depending on the event, it can be anywhere from a few months to a year or more. Need a party planned last minute? Don’t worry, we have you covered! We will make sure your event happens with 100% satisfaction.

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